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Web Server Logfile

The Web Server Logfile dialog presents the log file of the web server in a structured table. This file logs all access attempts and the date/time information with the corresponding status messages of the web server as well as the host name of the accessing computer.

After opening the dialog, the camera will sort the table according to the Date & Time column in descending order (the last entry is at the top of the table). Clicking on the table heads shown as links will sort the table either according to the Status or the Host Name. The column that is currently used for sorting is marked by two arrows "↓↑".

Notes: Click on the More button at the bottom of the dialog to display all entries with the HTTP error numbers.
  Click on the Reload button to see the entries that have been logged since opening the dialog.
  The web server logfile is automatically deleted upon each reboot of the camera. Per factory default, the camera will reboot daily as defined in the corresponding Time Task.

Table Description

Column Description
Host Name

Lists the host name or IP address of the accessing computer.

You can use this column for sorting.

URL Object of the camera, which had been accessed with a browser.

Shows the status messages of the web server (with error numbers in More mode).

You can also use this column for sorting.

User Name

Displays the user name that had been used for logging in. A hyphen ("-") means that no user name is required for accessing the corresponding object. This is the case, i.e if users are accessing the camera's live screen without having defined a password for the user level (factory default).

For additional information on how to protect certain areas of the camera with passwords, see the Users and Passwords help page.

Count Lists the number of access attempts for a specific camera object.
Date & time

Shows the date and time information of the last access attempt from a specific host for a specific object. Another access attempt of this host for the same object will increment the Count and will update the time of the last access.

This column is used for sorting when opening the dialog (the last entry is at the top of the table).

Note: The Unauthorized Access message does not automatically mean that camera objects have been accessed without permission. The web server always handles access attempts on protected objects as authorization errors. Once valid user credentials have been entered, the Successful message will be listed for this host. Only if this is not the case, someone had been trying to access the object without permission.

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